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Civic Exchange New Publication




HONG KONG, 30 November 2010…Independent public policy thank-tank Civic Exchange and scholars at the University of Leeds, UK, released a new research paper today on climate change and flood risks, titled "Rich Delta, Costly Flooding" showing Hong Kong hasn’t spent enough time to consider better flood management. This is an important part of climate adaptation, and should be a part of the government’s climate change consultation process.

香港──20101130... 獨立公共政策智庫思匯政策研究所聯同英國利茲大學一班研究員今天發布了一項有關於氣候變化和洪水風險的研究報告,名為《富庶珠三角的隱憂:洪水威脅》。顯示香港並未有細心策劃洪水的管理問題,這是與氣候變化有直接關係的,而政府亦應該將之列入氣候變化諮詢過程的其中一部分。

1. Major flood risks facing HK-PRD 香港珠三角的主要防洪風險

Coastal regions along the Pearl River Delta (PRD) including Hong Kong and Shenzhen are facing major impacts from flooding as a result of climate change and rapid urbanisation. The region needs to assess flood risks, be open about those risks, and be ready to deal more effectively with flooding. "Vulnerability to climate change is an opportunity to provide greater resilience on extreme flood events in Hong Kong and the PRD", said Faith Chan, the lead author of the publication. 珠江三角洲(珠三角)的沿岸地區城市包括香港和深圳近年來正面臨重大的洪水影響。本報告就氣候變化以及珠三角的快速經濟增長和城市化構成洪水威脅的種種主要可能性作出了探論。本報告合著者 陳加信說:「氣候變化所帶來的影響性,大大提高了香港和珠三角地區面對洪水的極端反應。」

2. Build new flood governance 建立新的洪水治理方案

Right now, it is unclear which government bodies have direct responsibilities for flood management. This needs to be clarified. The report addresses-boundary flood problems and how to build a new flood management governance between the Hong Kong and Shenzhen authorities. 對於哪些政府機構直接負責洪水管理的問題,目前沒有清晰的答案,需要加以澄清。本報告探討了邊界防洪問題,以及如何建立一個由香港和深圳當局共同管治的新洪水管理方案。

3. Revisit development plans in light of risk assessment 根據發展計劃,重新審視風險評估

The Hong Kong and Guangdong authorities should also revisit the region’s development plan to develop a long-term, integrated flood management strategy that recognizes the added risks from climate change and rapid development. "This means the government should not allow development in high risks area", stressed Christine Loh, CEO of Civic Exchange and co-author of the report. 香港與廣東省當局也應重新審視該地區的發展計劃,發展一個長期的綜合洪水管理戰略,以應對氣候變化和快速發展所增加的風險。思匯政策研究所行政總監、本報告合著者 陸恭蕙聲稱:「這意味著政府不應該允許在高風險領域進行發展」。 Visit us at: www.civic-exchange.org CIVIC EXCHANGE IS A COMPANY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY AND A REGISTERED CHARITY IN HONG KONG ROOM 701, HOSEINEE HOUSE, 69 WYNDHAM STREET, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. TEL: (852) 2893-0213 FAX: (852) 3105-9713

4. Involve community in building flood resilience 與社區一起建設水災恢復力

Involving the community is also critical as can be seen from the British experience. "As the flood risk grows, the capacity to appraise the risk must be integrated into urban and rural planning, and sustainable development must become a driving force of change, where the public is involved", Faith Chan added. 從英國的經驗可見,社區的角色是非常重要的。「隨著洪水風險的增長,風險評估必須納入城鄉規劃當中,而具市民參與成份的可持續發展必須成為整體計劃的原動力」陳加信補充說。


Co-authored by Civic Exchange and a team of scholars at School of Geography, University of Leeds (UK), this research project is supported by the postgraduate research fund from the School of Geography, University of Leeds (UK); and Civic Exchange acknowledges ADM Capital Foundation for funding the cost of publication. 思匯政策研究所獲英國利茲大學地理系的研究生科研基金支持,聯同該系的學者團隊共同撰寫本報告;思匯政策研究所更感謝ADM基金會為本出版物提供贊助。

"RICH DELTA, COSTLY FLOODING "《富庶珠三角的隱憂:洪水威脅》::

Please visit Civic Exchange website to download "Rich Delta, Costly Flooding":




Faith Chan is now a research associate in the School of Geography in University of Leeds. His research and teaching topics covers sustainable flood risk management, planning, water management, ecosystem services and land-use management. Faith worked with the UNESCO and ZEF in Bonn University on the Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land and Water Use project in Uzbekistan.



Faith Chan 陳加信

Corresponding author 通訊作者 (Email 電郵: K.S.Chan@leeds.ac.uk / mobile: 65810197)

Christine Loh 陸恭蕙

CEO of Civic Exchange 思匯政策研究所 行政總監 (Email 電郵: cloh@civic-exchange.org)